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Join date: Nov 24, 2023


Ms Chaimae Bouazzaoui is based in the U.S.A. She is the first Moroccan woman diplomat in Israel, assigned in 2021 in her capacity as a career member of the Moroccan MFA, following the historic signing of the Abraham Accords in 2020 and the resumption of the Moroccan-Israeli Diplomatic relations on the eve of Hannuka, the celebration of Lights, a game-changer and tremendous source of hope in the MENA region. She worked at the Liaison Office of the Kingdom of Morocco in Israel as Political Counselor while touching on a wide range of intertwined arenas as well, in the frame of the trilateral-signed agreement with the U.S. in December 2020. She was part of the historic Negev Forum and contributed to the opening of the bilateral diplomatic relations. Chaimae was born in Meknes, a historical city dubbed “the little Yerushalaym” and has demonstrated a life-long interest in the contribution to and the deepening of a flourishing Moroccan-Israeli cooperation, bolstered and concretized thanks to the strategic decision of His Majesty the King Mohammed VI. She has also great hope in the broadening of the Abraham Accords in MENA and beyond, in the very spirit announced by Honorable President Trump and His Excellency PM Netanyahu. Regional security along with interfaith at large are among her top interests.

 In her previous capacity, she served as Political Affairs Counselor in the Moroccan Embassy in Tunis and the Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York, specializing in regional and multilateral cooperation with the United States of America and American affairs at the UNSC at large. Prior to her assignment, Chaimae was the Political Advisor to then Minister-Delegate and currently Minister Bourita on the Moroccan-U.S. Cooperation (2017-2019) and contributed to interfaith international events and visits, including the Ministerial to advance religious freedom in Washington D.C. -Potomac Declaration and OIF interreligious conference in Fez. She served at the UN&International Organizations’ bureau and Public Diplomacy department at the MFA. Chaimae ranked first entering-candidate at the MFA NationalExam2015, then graduated the following year, from the Moroccan Academy of Diplomatic Studies as top valedictorian cadet at the ranking times, after which she joined the Cabinet of then Minister Delegate Bourita.

Chaimae has had a polyvalent profile combining diplomacy (Counselor of Foreign Affairs), international organizations (UN-NY and UNESCO), journalism (specializing in regional security) and think-tanking (Palo Alto college school). Ms Bouazzaoui was awarded a National Trophy Merit for Moroccan Foreign Correspondents by Morocco’s Government, in March 2015, from the then Minister Delegate to the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Charge of Moroccans Living Abroad and Migration Affairs.

Ms Chaimae Bouazzaoui has also graduated first of her class 5-yearly-times from the Institute of Press and Information Sciences (IPSI-Tunis). Her master studies have been completed both in Israel and Tunisia, specializing in Information and Communication Studies and in Political Science, following a Mathematics Baccalaureate at the elit highschool of Meknes- Al Marjiia High School. She completed a Research Stay in Germany in 2014 While She was Research Fellow at Tunisia in Wandel Research Group with Ludwig Maximilian Universitat of Munich. Her thesis was focused on e-Political Marketing and the blogosphere arena. Previous experience includes Anadolu Agency (2014), Tunisia In Transition German Group (2014), “Femmes et Médias au Maghreb” UNESCO Journal (2013) and Reuters (2012).  Ms Chaimae Bouazzaoui speaks English (fluent), Arabic (fluent), Hebrew (fluent-spoken), French (fluent) and German (basic). 


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