Adham M. Naguib, is a recently retired Career Diplomat, Born on August 24th 1972 in Heliopolis Egypt, Adham comes from a Diplomatic family line and hence has traveled far and wide with his family since his very first months, living and studying in different countries, and amongst diverse cultures, environments and peoples ranging from the Peoples Republic of China to Cyprus, Central and Southern Africa, and Australia. Graduating from the Egyptian Diplomatic and General Intelligence Academies. Adham has served in the Egyptian Diplomatic missions in New York, Washington D.C, Damascus, Baku, Doha, Kabul, and N’djamena. During his 28 year career he also served in different Divisions of the Egyptian Foreign Ministry notably the Minister’s Cabinet, the Israel Affairs Division, the General Security Division, and the Egyptian Agency for Partnership for Development, amongst others. During his Diplomatic career Adham has garnered extensive expertise in regional Geopolitics, Security, and Intelligence focusing especially on Israel, the Levant and Aghanistan, as well as the African Sahel and Horn regions. Attending many International, Regional, and Bilateral conferences, Adham has been privileged in meeting with many Heads of State and Prominent International and Regional Personages while witnessing, and being a part of many of the behind the scenes Diplomatic and Intelligence Interactions, Negotiations, and Historic events that today shape the current Diplomatic and Geopolitical landscape of the MENA region and the Sahel.These experiences have shaped Adham’s thinking leading to a firm belief that whatever the differences between peoples, cultures, and states in MENA and there are no Zero Sum games in Diplomacy when it comes to Security through Economic Development, trade ,Integration and above all the power of Will. Notably when the MENA region is the fulcrum of the future of the world’s geopolitics and geoeconomics. Appointed one of the youngest Ambassadors of Egypt at the age of 42, Adham obtained the Australian Higher Diploma and has Studied at the Australian National University in Canberra, The American University in Cairo ,and the University of California Los Angeles. His fields of study covered Geopolitics ,International Relations, Political Economy as well Modern European History, and the Diplomatic and Military history of the Ottoman Empire, and Modern Egypt.
Adham has also served in the EAF, 3rd Army Corps, and has a 14 year old Son (Naguib J.r) who ironically has also played his role in affecting Adham’s Diplomatic and Geopolitical thinking through the power and sounds of “PlayStation” Diplomacy.
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